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Everyone’s fitness journey is different, and everyone’s situation is different. At Lifespan Fitness, they cater to all needs, big and small.

No matter where you may be in your fitness journey, Lifespan Fitness enables you to create a home gym that looks professional and makes you want to work out. Best of all, their products are affordable, so you can start off small and slowly build your home gym over time. There are options for everyone, all Flatpack Professor approved. 

A How-To for Lifespan Fitness Australia Equipment

Our best Flatpack tip: start with flooring. At Lifespan Fitness, you can buy high quality and high density gym matting, gym flooring, and lifting platforms. Not only does this protect your floor, but it also sets the pro-athlete tone for your space. 

The more your home looks like a real gym, the more likely you are to use it. The more excited you are to use your equipment, the more you’ll actually use it. And the more you use it, the faster you’ll see results. Hop aboard the fitness train!

Our Best Lifetime Fitness Tips

Here’s how to get started, depending on your interests and needs:

  • They say good things come to those who wait, but that’s not true. Good things come to those who weight! If you’re looking for a full-body workout, then an all in one gym station is exactly what you need. Measuring at 203cm (L) x 17.4cm (W) x 211cm (H), its perfect for saving space while still giving you everything you need in one unit.
  • But if you’re simply looking for a few weights to get you started, or to add to your collection, then check out the selection of dumbbells to get what you need.
  • Lifespan Fitness takes away every excuse we give for not exercising (although we know how tempting it can be!). Raining outside and can’t go for a run or a cycle? Just get yourself a treadmill or exercise bike. Now you can exercise to the sound of the rain outside your house. If you lose any possible excuses, you’ll find your results! (Thank us later.)

Whichever Lifespan Fitness equipment you buy, whether a treadmill or all in one gym station, there is no need to waste your energy before you even begin. Hire the Flatpack Professor for assembly and we’ll do all the hard work, so you’re ready to hit the gym when we’re done.

Remember, no matter how slow you go, you’re lapping everyone who is sitting on the couch.